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Namespace createFillRules

Defined in: naview.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Resets global fillRules object and generates a new color filling object for each user defined color rule.
Namespace Detail
Resets global fillRules object and generates a new color filling object for each user defined color rule.
When multiple user defined color rules are applied to the same residue/element, the last rule takes precedence.
Color rules allow the selection of residues or elements (helices, pore, loops) by the "selection,color" syntax.
Multiple "selection" possibilities are allowed including:
"W" -> Selects all tryptophan residues
"Trp" -> Select all tryptophan residues
"1" -> Selects first residue of protein sequence
"W1" -> Selects first residue of protein sequence
"Trp1" -> Selects first residue of protein sequence
"Domain:I" -> Selects first domain
"Domain:I&Helix:1" -> Selects first domain
"Domain:I&Loop:1" -> Selects first domain
"Helix:1" -> Selects first helix of all domains
"Loop:1" -> Selects first loop of all domains
"Id:1" -> Selects first residue of protein sequence
"ALL" -> Selects all protein residues
The "color" possibilities include both named and hexadecimal colors:

"white" -> colors selection white
"#FFFFFF" -> colors selection white
an advanced color mapping to user inputted residue properties is also possible using the following syntax after a "selection" string:
Residue_Property_Name -> refers to the user inputted residue property
color_range -> a color range from each to map this property. valid examples: "white;green" or "red;white;blue"
color_property_domain -> the color domain to which the color range refers to. valid examples: "min;max" (from minimum to maximum value), "0.0;0.5;1.0"
{Array} data_color
list of Strings inputted from user to generate per element/residue color filling rules

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Sep 08 2021 09:00:35 GMT-0300 (BRT)