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Namespace draw_symbols

Defined in: naview.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Generates text data based on text plotting rules syntax.
Namespace Detail
Generates text data based on text plotting rules syntax.
Text data object syntax examples:
"text": "text to be drawn" //text to be drawn
"positioning": {
"type": "absolute" //for specific text drawing coordinates
"x": number //x positioning on svg
"y": number //y positioning on svg
"fill": "text color" //text color. when absent, defaults froms style object are used
"font_style": "normal" //normal, italic or bold. when absent, defaults froms style object are used
"font_size": number //size of font. when absent, defaults froms style object are used
"font_family": Arial //font family. when absent, defaults froms style object are used

positioning anchored to a given residue/protein element is also possible:

"text": "text to be drawn" //text to be drawn
"positioning": {
"type": "residue_or_element" //for text drawing coordinates centered to an element selection
"reference": 5 // examples include: 5, W5, DomainI;Helix4, and all possible objects with a centroid
"dx": number // optional: number of pixels to move from reference centroid in the horizontal axis
"dy": number // optional: number of pixels to move from reference centroid in the vertical axis
drawing a residue name, id and properties is also possible when reference indicates a residue:
"props": ["residue_attribute", "random_string", "residue_property"]
"positioning": {

"type": "residue_or_element" //for text drawing coordinates centered to an element selection
"reference": 5
residue properties include one and three letter names ("res_1" and "res_3"), residue index in protein ("res_ind")
random strings such as ",", " ", ": " are summed to attributes and properties
{Array} symbols_data
array of objects including text data to be drawn
{Object} centroid_data
dictionary of valid residue indexes and protein element names
{Object} property_data
dictionary of properties per each valid residue indexes
{Ibject} full_protein_data
parsed protein data generated from processRawUniProt

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Sep 08 2021 09:00:35 GMT-0300 (BRT)