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Namespace generateNWaveCurves

Defined in: naview.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Wavy loop curve generating function.
Namespace Detail
Wavy loop curve generating function.
1. N points are created between the start and end points
2. Each point is a created from a Normal from the vector between the start and end points
3. Height scales of N curves is defined as a percentage of a given maximum step
{Array} p1
point 1 (start)
{Array} p2
point 2 (end)
{number} n_of_centers
number of wave peaks to generate
{number} step_height
number of pixels to generate wave peaks centers
{Array} perc_centers_height
array of percentages to generate wave peaks from step height
{Boolean} clockwise
starting orientation of generated wave peaks clockwise (true) or counterclockwise (false)
{number} rotate_loop
angle to rotate final path in relation to the its anchored point

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