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Namespace style_obj

Defined in: naview.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Object which controls every drawing aspect of plot.
Namespace Detail
Object which controls every drawing aspect of plot. Contains four main attributes with lots of possible subdivisions and options.
These four attributes are:

1. "membrane"
2. "canvas"
3. "textdefs"
4. "protein"


----Sub-attributes: "membrane_region_height", "membrane_mode", "membrane_draw_opts"
----"membrane_region_height": controls % of total svg height occupied by membrane ----"membrane_draw_opts" sub-attributes depends on the "membrane_mode".

----"membrane_mode" has two possible values:

-----> "box" for drawing membranes as a colored rectangle
-----> "lipid" for drawing membranes as a lipid bilayer

--------"membrane_draw_opts" used sub-attributes for "membrane_mode":"box" are:
--------"fill": membrane rectangle color
--------"opacity": membrane rectangle opacity

--------"membrane_draw_opts" used sub-attributes for "membrane_mode":"lipid" are:
--------"hfill": membrane lipid head group color
--------"hstroke": membrane lipid head group stroke color
--------"hstroke_s": membrane lipid head group stroke width in pixels
--------"hopacity": membrane lipid head group opacity
--------"tfill": membrane lipid tail group color
--------"tstroke": membrane lipid tail group stroke color
--------"tstroke_s": membrane lipid tail group stroke width in pixels
--------"topacity": membrane lipid tail group opacity
--------"lipid_head_radius_width": lipid head group width in % of total svg width
--------"lipid_head_radius_height": lipid head group height in % of total svg height
--------"lipid_tail_number": number of lipid tails per lipid group
--------"lipid_tail_breaks": lipid tail breaks per lipid group (currently not used)
--------"lipid_tail_spacing": lipid upper membrane to lower membrane tails spacing in % of total svg height


----Sub-attribute: "border" with sub-attributes "right", "left", "top", "bottom"
----"right": controls svg right border in % of total svg width
----"left": controls svg left border in % of total svg width
----"top": controls svg top border in % of total svg height
----"bottom": controls svg bottom border in % of total svg height

----Sub-attributes: "font_family", "font_style", "font_size", "fill", "center_xy"
----"font_family: controls text default font family
----"font_style": controls text default font style
----"font_size": controls text default font size
----"fill": controls text default color
----"center_xy": controls text automatic centering around "absolute" coordinate


----Has many sub-attributes related to the drawing of different elements
----Sub-attributes for helices under protein: "helix_mode", "helix_draw_opts", "helix_region_width", "helix_region_height", "helix_spacing_width"

----"helix_mode": determines type of helix to be drawn: "box", "cylinder" or "cartoon" are possible values.
----"helix_draw_opts": determines helix drawing characteristics according to helix type.
--------"helix_draw_opts" used sub-attributes for "helix_mode":"box" are: NONE
--------"helix_draw_opts" used sub-attributes for "helix_mode":"cylinder" are:
--------"top_cylinder_stroke": stroke color of top cylinder circle
--------"top_cylinder_stroke_size": stroke size of top cylinder circle
--------"bottom_cylinder_stroke": stroke size of bottom cylinder cirle
--------"bottom_cylinder_stroke_size": stroke color of bottom cylinder circle

--------"helix_draw_opts" used sub-attributes for "helix_mode":"cartoon" are:
--------"x_to_end_prop": proportion that influences shape of drawn half helices
--------"y_to_mid_prop": proportion that influences shape of drawn half helices
--------"aa_area_perc_displacement": proportion that influences shape of drawn half helices
--------"thickness": proportion that influences half turn height
--------"front_helix_stroke": stroke color of front half helices
--------"back_helix_stroke": stroke color of back half helices
--------"stroke_size": stroke size of half helices

----"helix_draw_opts" also has properties that can be applied for any helix element which
----have a specific formatting as a dictionary of domain keys mapping to arrays of six elements
----corresponding to each helix(H1-H6) of each domain (I-IV)
--------"fill": color of front turns for each helix of each domain
--------"back_fill": color of back turns for each helix of each domain
--------"stroke": color of stroke for each helix of each domain
--------"stroke_size": size in pixels of stroke for each helix of each domain
--------"opacity": opacity of each helix in each domain
--------example: "I": { 1:"red",2:"red",3:"red",4:"blue",5:"red",6:"red"} for colors

----The helix related attributes: "helix_region_width", "helix_region_height", "helix_spacing_width",
----have a specific formatting as a dictionary of domain keys mapping to arrays of six elements
----corresponding to each helix(H1-H6) of each domain (I-IV)
----"helix_region_width": controls helix plot width in % of total svg width
----"helix_region_height": controls helix plot height in % of total svg height
----"helix_spacing_width": controls spacing between helices in % of total svg width

----Sub-attributes for loops include different loops categories such as:

----"short_loops_draw_opts" for short, intra domain loops
----"long_loops_draw_opts" for long, between domain loops
----"pore_loops_draw_opts", "pore_region_width", "pore_region_height" for pore loops
---- "nter_loop_width", "nter_loop_draw_opts" for the N-terminal loop
---- "cter_loop_width", "cter_loop_draw_opts" for the C-terminal loop
---- the sub-attributes of the differnt loops "_draw_opts" objects are mostly equal:
--------"type": value is "single". has no importance for now but is essential
--------"stroke": color of loop path stroke
--------"fill": color of loop path ("none" should be used for non-polygon paths)
--------"opacity": opacity of loop path
--------"stroke_size": stroke width of loop path

--------"calc_len": describes how loop length should be calculated. has multiple options of additional attributes
------------"type": indicates loop length calculus type. "fixed", "scaled", "reslen" and "custom" are possible options
------------"calc": contains additional attributes for each loop length calculus "type"

------------ "fixed" indicates an equal, similar loop drawn for fixed box with a given height, width (when applicable for loop shape)
------------ "fixed" has required attributes inside "calc": "height" "width" indicating % of total svg width, height

------------ "scaled" indicates each loop should be drawn from boxes with height, widths proportional to their amino acid numbering
------------ "scaled" has required attributes inside "calc": "height" "width" indicating maximum % of total svg width, height for biggest loop
------------ "scale" which indicates type of aa number loop scaling: "linear", "power" or "log".
------------ logarithimic "log" scale can have its base set by a "base" additional attribute inside "calc"
------------ power "power" scale can have its exponent set by a "exponent" additional attribute inside "calc"
------------ "scale" types are unavailable for "nter_loop_draw_opts" and "cter_loop_draw_opts"

------------ "reslen" indicates each loops aminoacid should have a given length in pixels
------------ "reslen" requires "length" attribute inside "calc" indicating aminoacid length in pixels.
------------ please note that loop minimum width is automatically set when bigger than "length" attribute
------------ this is calculates by a straight line between helices anchoring points divided by the loop aa number

------------ "custom" indicates an specific loop length for each loop defined by a dictionary indicating loop position
------------ "custom" requires dictionaries for "width" and "height" inside "calc" options.
------------ for "short_loops_draw_opts" this dictionary is formatted as the example below:
------------ "I": [0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.005,0.01,0.01]
------------ for "long_loops_draw_opts" this dictionary is formatted as the example below:
------------ {2: 0.01, 3: 0.01, 4: 0.01},
------------ for "pore_loops_draw_opts", "nter_loop_draw_opts" and "cter_loop_draw_opts", the "custom" option is not available

--------"shape": describes how loop shape should be drawn
------------"type": indicates how loop shape should be drawn in plot
------------"calc": contains additional attributes for drawing specific loop shapes

------------ loop types "simple", "bulb" and "mushroom" are available for both short and long loops
------------ in loop type "simple", loop points are defined by the two helices anchoring points plus
------------ their centroid point, which is scaled in the vertical direction according to "calc_len"
------------ "height" definitions and to a "y_step" calc attribute
------------ an optional "calc" attribute "perc_center_x" can regulate the x positioning of the centroid
------------ point in relation to the anchoring first and second points.

------------ in loop type "bulb", besides the above points for loop "simple", two additional points are added:
------------ one before the first anchoring point and another after the first anchoring point
------------ the y position of these points are defined as a percentage of the scaled centroid point height
------------ by the "perc_step_y" attribute. their x positions are defined by the "calc_len"
------------ "width" definitions and to a "x_step" calc attribute

------------ in loop type "mushroom", besides the above points for loop "bulb", two additional points are added:
------------ one between the first anchoring point and the centroid point
------------ and another between the centroid point and the second anchoring point
------------ the y position of these points are defined as a percentage of the scaled centroid point height
------------ by the "perc_step_y2" attribute. ("perc_step_y1" is used for the "bulb" additional points)
------------ their x positions are defined by the "perc_center_x" "calc" attribute which regulates their distance
------------ between the anchoring points and the centroid as a frequency (0.0-1.0)

------------ loop type "swirl" is available only for both short loops
------------ this is mostly equal to the simple loop but here a "swirl_x" calc attribute is
------------ used to calculate the x positioning of two new points relative to the anchoring points centroid
------------ these two points are added between the first and centroid and centroid and second points
------------ their y positioning is controled by a "perc_step_y" attribute. the x positioning delta of the
------------ two new points is also added to the centroid point

------------ loop type "simple_skewed" is the only available only for pore loops
------------ this is equal to the "simple" loop definition but with the obligatory attribute
------------ "perc_center_x" for controlling the x positioning of the centroid point

------------ loop type "n_curves" is the only available only for N and C terminal loops
------------ in loop type "n_curves", loops are initially drawn as a straight line
------------ from the "canvas" bottom left corner to Helix 1 of Domain 1 and a number of "waves" are added
------------ to these loops. the height of each wave is calculated as percentages of a maximum wave step (attribute "y_step")
------------ in the calc attribute "perc_centers_height". the number of waves is defined in the "n_centers" "calc" attribute

--------- Note 1:
--------- long_loops_draw_opts has an additional "width" attribute that regulates their initial draw areas "width" calculation
--------- this is done by it's subattribute "type" whose possible values are "fixed" (equal inter domain loops width)
--------- or "scaled" (inter domain loops width proportional to loop aa number)

---- Note 2:
---- pore loops have two attributes under "protein":
---- "pore_region_width" and "pore_region_height" for controlling their draw areas width and height
---- as percentages of the svg total width and height. the values of these attributes are dictionaries
---- containing keys for the pore loops of each domain as the example below:
---- {"I":0.01,"II":0.01,"III":0.01,"IV":0.01}

---- Note 3:
---- N ter and C ter loops have each a single attribute under "protein":
---- "nter_loop_width" and "cter_loop_width" controlling their draw areas respective width
---- as percentages of the svg total width.

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